Through a variety of unique and original activities, we seek to cultivate creative imagination, the ability and willingness to cooperate, the spirit of initiative and dynamism, the love for sports and the arts, ecological awareness and respect for the natural environment.
- Sports : football, basketball , volleyball , tennis , rollers , self-defense , archery, climbing, ping pong , cycling, swimming, aqua aerobic , water polo
- Contact with horses and a first acquaintance with the sport of horseback riding
- Ecological awareness and respect for the natural environment through recycling activities and "crazy" adventures on the forest paths
- Tour with the Train to all the stations of "The Ranch"
- Tour of our Traditional Educational Village (approved by the Ministry of Education). Experiential learning through the production of cheese in the cheese factory and bread in our flour mill.
- Expression-creative games : dance, theatrical game, board games, art workshop (painting, sculpture, handcrafts, etc.), music
- Entertainment - entertainment : cinema, parties , dance-song-disguise presentations, musical evenings, knowledge games, theatrical performances, camp game called 'bahalo'.
- Community hours : daily group meeting of campers - executives for better integration and the development of teamwork.
08:30 Morning awakening
09:00 Breakfast
09:30 Tidying things up
10:00 Inspection
10:15 Morning snack
10:30 Activities: Swimming pool*, Activities
12:45 Personal hygiene
13:30 Lunch
14:00 Entertainment in the Dining Room
14:30 Lunch break
17:15 Afternoon snack
17:30 Activities: Pool*, Various Activities , Championships and Free Time
19:45 Personal hygiene
20:40 Dinner
21:15 Evening entertainment
22:45 Time to Sleep!
* Snacks and afternoon snacks are given after the pool
Make your camp reservation here